Sunday, August 9, 2009

I'm home

from Padre but now stuck back at work, LAME!

The weekend was rather eventful, definitely worth the 6 hour drive. I'm tan, relaxed, but exhausted haha. I hadn't been to the beach in years so I had a lot of fun. I've never been skinny dipping in the ocean before, and it was bad ass.... hahahaha.

I feel like everything is finally starting to come back together in my life. I'm happy again, finally. I don't have to wake up in fear and go to bed in tears anymore. I don't have to constantly worry about not being good enough, or messing up... being yelled at or slapped. I'm learning to trust again, I'm learning to love again. Sean has been so patient, so understanding, and so loving. He is everything I need and more. Everything is finally right.

"We'll pace the roads and we'll paint the skies.
Our path is plagued with discontent goodbyes.
We're striking the days so we can burn the nights
and I'll never look back on what I've left behind."