Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Phone number

I love my best friend.
She is amazing. We've been through a lot, more than most people could fathom. I can honestly say most friendships wouldn't be able to survive through what happened to us, but here we are better than ever. I love you Kassiann!

Yesterday was terrible. I sold my blackberry thinking it would fix my text messaging problem and bought a Palm Treo 755 WITHOUT KNOWING THE SOFTWARE ON IT IS RETARDED! Well, it turns out it wasn't even my phone that was causing the texting problem. It had something to do with my old phone number which sucks the big one. So now I'm blackberryless and stuck with this stupid ass phone. LAME. I decided to just change my number considering that fact that if I kept my old one I would never be able to text Sprint or ATT people. If you want my new one, ask mee<3.

Ill update more later.


kassiann said...

Lololol i love you ttooo!!!

ready for a extra busy day???