Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tomorrow will be super busy

I need to go to the doctor, get my nails redone, get heart worm pills for belle, clean my room, see Allison, put my Gucci bag and Blackberry on craigslist (I'm buying a new phone, and a better Gucci bag), cash my check from Gucci, go to Nordstroms and get UGG cleaner, hopefully see Kassiann, then go visit a few people that feel like I've been leaving them out. I highly doubt I will get all of this done.. but oh well.

I've been sick all day so my level of writing a somewhat intellectual entry has gone to the dogs. Regardless, a few short things.

- I am getting super annoyed that my phone STILL is not receiving text messages from Sprint or ATT users. It is obviously getting to the point where I am willing to sell my blackberry Curve for a phone that is not nearly as high end. Fuckmylife! Haha.

- Taylor living back at home is already becoming a mess of its own. She thinks she is entitled to be a bitch 24/7 because she is pregnant, and I can't take much more of it. I love her, but she treats me like shit and all I've done is be supportive.

- It will sell better plain.

I love you KASSIANN! I am here for you! Call me and make sure my little ass gets up in the morning.
