Last weekend wasn't anywhere close to what I had expected it to be. Regardless, I handeled everything decently well and held myself together without falling apart until I got home.
I've come to the conclusion that I am still in denial that my birth mother is dead and have only been dealing with it apparently while intoxicated, or asleep. Hopefully in time I will be able to explore what is really going on with my emotions regarding her death, but for now it's just not possible. I loved meeting Kristen though, we definitely had an instant connection. She is the perfect sister... I really couldn't ask for more.
After visiting my mother's grave Kristen and I saw an angel in the sky, and she was missing her right hand... just like my mother. It sent chills down my spine. Here is a picture of the angel, shes facing with her back to the camera:

As for camp, the weekend had it's ups and downs. I bear napped brown bear and carried him around with me all weekend, it was hard giving him back to Kayleigh but oh wellll. I adore her and he is hers now. All of TR 08 carried our willed animals around and I swear people in Crossville though we were crazy, but we didn't care. It's tradition. I suppose going back to camp as a visitor was just shocking to all of us. I'll be back a counselor next summer though, so I did my best to deal, haha.
I've come to the conclusion that I am still in denial that my birth mother is dead and have only been dealing with it apparently while intoxicated, or asleep. Hopefully in time I will be able to explore what is really going on with my emotions regarding her death, but for now it's just not possible. I loved meeting Kristen though, we definitely had an instant connection. She is the perfect sister... I really couldn't ask for more.
After visiting my mother's grave Kristen and I saw an angel in the sky, and she was missing her right hand... just like my mother. It sent chills down my spine. Here is a picture of the angel, shes facing with her back to the camera:

As for camp, the weekend had it's ups and downs. I bear napped brown bear and carried him around with me all weekend, it was hard giving him back to Kayleigh but oh wellll. I adore her and he is hers now. All of TR 08 carried our willed animals around and I swear people in Crossville though we were crazy, but we didn't care. It's tradition. I suppose going back to camp as a visitor was just shocking to all of us. I'll be back a counselor next summer though, so I did my best to deal, haha.
thats crazzzzzzy!
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